I’ve rinsed off my SCUBA gear, hung up the fedora and dried out from my vacation and am getting ready to dive back into the business of the EMS blogosphere.
Happy is back in the banner and back behind the curtain here at HMHQ as well.
There are a lot of topics swirling in the ol’ melon now that I am allowed to think about CoEMS and writing again (Mrs HM’s orders).
For example, I just spent a week in a place that allows full color full size political ads on ambulances. They were nice rigs too. never got a chance to grab a photo as I was always behind the wheel, but I figured since the companies up here spend dough on political endorsements and wheel greasing, why not publicize it and get some needed cash?
EMS week seems to be trodding along in it’s usual way, getting very little media coverage, until I heard about giant CPR classes to be held at City Halls around the nation in the coming weeks, more on that this week.
The TAK Response Conference is fast approaching. Not sure what that is? Oh I will let you know and hopefully get some of the folks behind it to A Seat at the Table to describe the conference to you in their own words.
Speaking of CoEMS and film, I plan on bumping into Thaddeus Setla and filming an update for you all about where we are with Chronicles and all that jazz.
Speaking of jazz, I am field testing some jazzy new structural firefighting boots for a vendor. I’ll give details as they develop, but I’ve only had one fire in them so far and they did their job, haven’t put them through the paces quite yet.
I am also told I need to type up a disclaimer here somewhere that reminds you I accept no money to endorse a product, provided free of charge or not, I even return most things if they’ll take them back, and write only what I feel and believe in. But aparently folks would like that on a different page all together. Groan, more typing.
The Captain’s test still looms over the next 60 days, there has been some downsizing rumored in the EMS division so we’ll see what that does for moral. Although it narrows my promotional opportunities above Captain from 2 down to 1, so there is that.
So much to talk about and so much time. hope you enjoyed the scenarios and study breaks we set up, didn’t want you to forget about us here.
So keep an eye out, many, many topics to discuss in the coming weeks.
See you at the big one,